I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Physics from the UNESP - São Paulo State University, Botucatu, São Paulo, with undergraduate experiences in radiology laboratories, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, and magnetic resonance theories and practice. I had two main undergraduate internships: with environmental stable isotopes, in the Center for Environmental Stable Isotopes and Liquid Nitrogen, IBB-UNESP, and with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging + Electroencephalography (EEG-fMRI) technique, in the Gleb Wataghin Physics Institute (IFGW) of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). I have a Master's degree and PhD in Neuroscience (UNICAMP), working with several computational techniques applied to MRI data of Epilepsy patients. Currently, I am working in the Neuroimaging Laboratory, (Department of Neurology, UNICAMP) as a Research Physicist applying multimodal techniques in the fields of Neuroscience and Neurophysics.
Research Physicist at University of Campinas - Neuroimaging Lab. (March 2013 - current)​
Professional performance indicators
Scientific publication in indexed journals: 83 papers (2024)
Author impact factor (h-index): 28 (2024)
Software developed: 5 (one with known-how patent registered) (2024)
Students advisory: two Master's students, one undergraduate student (FAPESP grant) (2024)
Philips 3T MRI: scientific protocol design and training
LNI Bruker pre-clinical 7T MRI: scientific protocol design and training
Healthy-care assistance (Unicamp Clinics Hospital):
Brain surgery neuronavigation setup: Weekly
Advanced MRI exam reports (fMRIs, tractography, and EEG-fMRI analysis): 159 (October 24, 2022)
Administrative duties:
LNI image database curation: System development, update, and data management (>500.000 images).
LNI Computational cluster curation: HP Proliant 96 cores; 136Gb; 20Tb
LNI Bruker pre-clinical 7T MRI: monitoring, application, and image quality assurance
Philips 3T MRI: image quality assurance (semiannual)
Formal education:
Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.) (2013 - 2016): Neuroscience Doctorate program (Capes 7), at the University of Campinas, to obtain the title of Doctor in Neuroscience. Working with multimodal techniques applied to neuroscience and neurophysics: Functional and Structural brain connectivity, Functional MRI applied to epilepsy, DTI, and software programming.
Masters Degree (MSc) (2011 - 2013): Neuroscience master's program (Capes 7), at the University of Campinas to obtain the title of Master in Science. Working with multimodal techniques applied to neuroscience and neurophysics.
Researcher in International Internship (2012 - 2012): Worked on a collaborative project between Donald Gross of the University of Alberta and Fernando Cendes (UNICAMP) focused on analyzing Diffusion Tensor Imaging data from patients with Epilepsy.
Bachelor of Science in Medical Physics (2006 - 2010): São Paulo State University (UNESP), Botucatu, SP.
Software developed
Grants and Awards
CAPES Thesis Award in Medical area 2016 (Countrywide Best Medical area I thesis)
BRAINN. FAPESP CEPID: Associate researcher
Fapesp Regular Cientific grant (2017 2020): R$80.000,00
Cleveland Clinics scholarship 07/2021-07/2023: Technological development (ResectVol software)
Best conference paper, VI - CONFIAM - UNESP. 2010.
Honorable mention (co-author). 6ª Semana de Pesquisa da Faculdade de Ciências Médica da UNICAMP. 2012.
Master's grant FAPESP 03/2011-03/2013
Research Internship grant (University of Alberta), 2012
Best conference paper (co-author), DCNCE/ABN -2015.
Best conference paper (co-author), BRAINN - University of Campinas - 2nd BRAINN Congress.
Frontiers Neurology Associate Editor in Applied Neuroimaging (2020 - current)
Contact email: brunnoATunicampDOTbr