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I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Physics, in the UNESP - São Paulo State University, Botucatu, São Paulo with undergraduate experiences in radiology laboratories, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, and magnetic resonance theories and practice. I had two main undergraduate internships: with environmental stable isotopes, in the Center for Environmental Stable Isotopes and Liquid Nitrogen, IBB-UNESP, and with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging + Electroencephalography (EEG-fMRI) technique, in the Gleb Wataghin Physics Institute (IFGW) of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). I have a Master's degree and Ph.D. in Neuroscience (UNICAMP) working with several computational techniques applied to MRI data of Epilepsy patients. Currently, I am working in the Neuroimaging Laboratory, (Department of Neurology, UNICAMP) as a Research Physicist applying multimodal techniques in the fields of Neuroscience and Neurophysics.

Research Physicist at University of Campinas - Neuroimaging Lab. (March 2013 - current)​


Professional performance indicators


Scientific publication in indexed journals: 76 papers

Author impact factor (h-index): 25

Software developed: 4 (one with known-how patent registered)

Students advisory: two Master's students, one undergraduate student (FAPESP grant)

Philips 3T MRI: scientific protocol design and training

LNI Bruker pre-clinical 7T MRI: scientific protocol design and training

Healthy-care assistance (Unicamp Clinics Hospital):

Brain surgery neuronavigation setup: Weekly

Advanced MRI exam reports (fMRIs, tractography, and EEG-fMRI analysis): 159 (October 24, 2022)

Administrative duties:

LNI image database curation: System development, update, and data management (>500.000 images).

LNI Computational cluster curation: HP Proliant 96 cores; 136Gb; 20Tb

LNI Bruker pre-clinical 7T MRI: monitoring, application, and image quality assurance

Philips 3T MRI: image quality assurance (semiannual)


Formal education:

  • Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.) (2013 - 2016): Neuroscience Doctorate program (Capes 7), at the University of Campinas, to obtain the title of Doctor in Neuroscience. Working with multimodal techniques applied to neuroscience and neurophysics: Functional and Structural brain connectivity, Functional MRI applied to epilepsy, DTI, and software programming.

  • Masters Degree (MSc) (2011 - 2013): Neuroscience master's program (Capes 7), at the University of Campinas to obtain the title of Master in Science. Working with multimodal techniques applied to neuroscience and neurophysics.

  • Researcher in International Internship (2012 - 2012): Worked on a collaborative project between Donald Gross of the University of Alberta and Fernando Cendes (UNICAMP) focused on analyzing Diffusion Tensor Imaging data from patients with Epilepsy.

  • Bachelor of Science in Medical Physics (2006 - 2010): São Paulo State University (UNESP), Botucatu, SP.


Software developed


Grants and Awards

  • CAPES Thesis Award in Medical area 2016 (Countrywide Best Medical area I thesis)

  • BRAINN. FAPESP CEPID: Associate researcher

  • Fapesp Regular Cientific grant (2017 2020): R$80.000,00

  • Cleveland Clinics scholarship 07/2021-07/2023: Technological development (ResectVol software)

  • Best conference paper, VI - CONFIAM - UNESP. 2010.

  • Honorable mention (co-author). 6ª Semana de Pesquisa da Faculdade de Ciências Médica da UNICAMP. 2012.

  • Master's grant FAPESP 03/2011-03/2013

  • Research Internship grant (University of Alberta), 2012

  • Best conference paper (co-author), DCNCE/ABN -2015.

  • Best conference paper (co-author), BRAINN - University of Campinas - 2nd BRAINN Congress.

  • Frontiers Neurology Associate Editor in Applied Neuroimaging (2020 - current)


Contact email: brunnoATunicampDOTbr


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