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The Neuroimaging Laboratory (LNI) is located at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and aims to create conditions for research projects for studies in several areas of neuroscience, including prospective studies of various forms of epilepsy, as well as other Central Nervous System diseases. Opened in 1998, this laboratory offers conditions to evaluate and quantify structural and metabolic alterations of the central nervous system, using various neuroimaging modalities by Magnetic Resonance (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT). The structure of LNI relies on high-performance computers for highly complex graphics support and imaging processing, enabling the reconstruction of three-dimensional images, functional image analysis, diffusion tensor, co-registration of various imaging modalities, and the development of new workflow software for the best Magnetic Resonance Imaging and other neuroimaging modalities.

The LNI has currently available as research resources:

  • More than 20 last-generation personal workstations.

  • Several EEG systems

  • A computational cluster (96 Xeon cores and 148 Gb RAM memory).

  • A multi-purpose 3T MRI with full stimuli satellite systems (visual, auditory, motor feedback, compatible EEG and etc).

  • Last generation Pre-Clinical 7T MRI (Bruker BioSpec  94/20).


Neuroimaging Lab. Director​

Full Professor - Medical Sciences School - UNICAMP

Clarissa L Yasuda, MD, PhD

Assistent Professor - Medical Sciences School - UNICAMP

Marcio L F Balthazar, MD, PhD

Assistent Professor - Medical Sciences School - UNICAMP

Li Li Min, MD, PhD

Neuroimaging Lab. Coordinator

Full Professor - Medical Sciences School - UNICAMP

Assistent Professor - Medical Sciences School - UNICAMP

Marcondes C França Junior, MD, PhD

Associated Professor - Medical Sciences School - UNICAMP

Sônia N Romeu

Executive Administrative Staff  LNI - UNICAMP

Lilian Cristina S S Capelli

Executive Administrative Staff  LNI - UNICAMP

Marina K M Alvim, PhD
Mateus H Nogueira, PhD
Rachel P Guimarâes, PhD
Thiago J R Rezende, PhD
Luciana Pimentel-Silva,
Lucas Scardua, MSc Student
Neuroimaging Laboratory - Research Council - Medical Sciences School -  University of Campinas
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