DBlni PACs
DBlni Introduction
The DBlni is a PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) developed at the Neuroimaging Laboratory to organize and archive DICOM images. The software consists of two standalone interfaces:
DBlniAdd: A tool for adding new DICOM, NIfTI, or SPAR/SDAT files to the server repository and updating the metadata in the database. DBlniAdd reads the DICOM metadata from all files in a source folder, organizes the files using a user-friendly naming convention, and archives essential image information efficiently.
DBlniFinder: The client interface for accessing the database. It features a powerful image search engine, enables visualization of selected files via the DBlni Viewer, and supports direct downloads to a specified local folder.
The software is currently compatible with Windows and macOS and does not rely on any paid dependencies.
DBlni Team
Coordinator and developer
Brunno M. de Campos, Ph.D.
DBlni Requirement
Windows or Mac OS X operational system
Matlab MRC (Included in the packing)
The DBlni has currently the following functionalities:
DBlni Finder:
Smart Images search engine with 10 protocol/image filters
Enable the creation of work groups of images for further download or visualisation.
Enable the visualisation of 2D, 3D, or 4D DICOM, NIfTI and SPAR/SDAT files,
Enable the direct downloading of images from the server to the local machine.
The interface has three sub-tools:
DICOM Renamer and Anonymizer
Uncompress tool
DICOM to NIfTI Converter (based on Chris Rhoerden's dcm2niix)
DBlni Add
Creates the database and the image repository
Include new images to the database and repository from a source DICOM/NIfTI/SPAR-SDAT folder (external or internal disks or even network sources.
The DICOM files are renamed to user-friendly filename format, and all data are compacted to increased storage capabilities.
The images are stored in the repository with and smart and intuitive folder tree, aiming to a maximum speed to find and download. This is also relevant for backup or even manual access or managing of the data.
DBlni Add Interface example: