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ResectVol Introduction

ResectVol (1.1.2) is a user-friendly Matlab tool developed by the Neuroimaging Lab (Unicamp) and Cleveland Clinics teams to perform the fully automatic segmentation of brain lacunas. The toolbox requires a pre- and a post-operative brain T1-MRI scan to perform the segmentation. The pipeline was designed to yield results in the native (patient’s) space and in the MNI standard space. Besides saving the image of the lacuna, ResectVol also plots the lacuna overlayed onto the post-operative image and generates an anatomical description file with the volume of the lacuna. Moreover, this file details the brain structures that were included in the resected portion and the structure volume that was removed. ResectVol requires no user intervention and its usage is simple: users just have to input the folder containing all images via the graphical interface and click run.

ResectVol Team

         Raphael Fernandes Casseb, Ph.D. 
         Brunno M. de Campos, Ph.D.       
Theoretical Collaborators
         Fernando Cendes, MD, Ph.D.; Lara Jehi, MD, MHCDS; Marcia Morita Sherman, MD, Ph.D.

ResectVol Requirement

  • Windows, Linux or Mac OS X operating system

  • MATLAB version R2010a or later, required by SPM.

  • Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) version 12.

  • MATLAB Signal Processing toolbox

  • MATLAB Image Processing toolbox

ResectVol has currently the following functionalities:

  • The pipeline was designed to yield results in the native (patient’s) space and in the MNI standard space

  • Saves the image of the lacuna and also plots the lacuna overlayed onto the post-operative image

  • Generates an anatomical description file with the volume of the lacuna, detailing the brain structures that were included in the resected portion and the structure volume that was removed

  • Outputs ROIs (NIfTI files) of the labeled regions overlayed with the lacuna mask (only the removed portions of the labels)

ResectVol Interface and output examples:

Graphical user interface and input folder standard. User can add several subjects at the same run
Pre- and post-operative brain MRI from a patient that underwent a resective surgery. The cross-hair on the right image highlights the lacuna
The anatomical labelled regions included in the lacuna mask are also saved as independent ROIs
Slice view of the lacuna image overlayed onto the post-operative image
Anatomical description file

Contact the Authors

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Neuroimaging Laboratory - Research Council - Medical Sciences School -  University of Campinas
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