I received my Physics degree from the University of Campinas (Unicamp - Brazil) with a major in Medical Physics, my Ph.D. degree in Neurosciences also from Unicamp investigating neurodegenerative diseases, and was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Calgary (Canada) studying the effects of concussion in the brain. Currently, I am a post-doctoral fellow at Unicamp, researching epilepsy with neuroimaging and computational techniques to predict prognosis. I have a keen interest in research and education involving Neurosciences, Physics, Medical Physics, and Mathematics, and I am fond of the interplay of these areas towards the study of the brain. I am also curious about machine/deep learning and altered states of consciousness (e.g.: meditation).
Post-doctoral fellow at the Neuroimaging Lab (University of Campinas)
2020 - 2022 FAPESP Grant #2020/00019-7: Advanced analysis of MR imaging in epilepsy to predict surgery outcome - A machine learning approach
2020 - present CEPID BRAINN Associate Researcher
2016 - present Collaborating Developer - UF²C Software
2020 - present Guest Associate Editor in Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience (2020 - current)
2020 – present Postdoctoral grant, The Sao Paulo Research Foundation, # 2020/00019-7
2019 – 2020 Postdoctoral grant, T Chen Fong Fellowship
2017 – 2019 Postdoctoral grant, Integrated Concussion Research Program (ICRP)
2016 – 2017 Doctoral exchange grant, The Sao Paulo Research Foundation (BEPE-FAPESP), # 2016/00330-9
2014 – 2017 Ph.D. grant, The Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), # 2014/15918-6
2012 – 2014 Ph.D. grant, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Finance Code 001.
2009 – 2010 Undergraduate Research Program grant, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), # 2009/02138-4
2019 27th ISMRM Trainee Educational Stipend ($585 USD)
2017 Best study (first author) of neurotechnology presented in the 4th BRAINN Congress. Hierarchical observation modeling in fMRI: sliding window 2.0
2016 Best study (co-author) presented in the X RPDA. Intra and internetwork connectivities in Alzheimer’s Disease and the relationship with CSF levels and cognition
2015 Best study (co-author) presented in the 2nd BRAINN Congress. Preliminary data on neuroimaging changes in the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy
2013 21st World Congress of Neurology bursary (€ 1450)
2011 Highest grade in the National Exam of Students Performance (ENADE - Brazil) for last-year undergraduate students in Physics
2010 Honorable mention (first author) for the study presented in the 4th CINAPSE Workshop
2007 1st place in the admission exam for Medical Physics of the University of Sao Paulo (best-ranked Brazilian university)
Contact email: rfcassebATunicamp.br